Saturday, October 18, 2008

Half Way Point...Whoa!

It's been a whirlwind so far, but Jared and I are at the halfway point (20 weeks) in this pregnancy.

[caption id="attachment_46" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="20 wks front"]20 wks front[/caption]

I did not expect it to go by this quickly, but I imagine it will "slow down" during the third trimester when I am waddling more than I am now.  I had a patient ask me yesterday if I was pregnant.  This is the first time someone has asked me outright.  I should have said "no" just to see what she would do when she realized she had just called me fat.  Instead I said, "Yes, but you should never ask someone that, just in case they're not pregnant."  She said that she had done that before when the woman was not pregnant and almost made the woman cry...some people never learn.

[caption id="attachment_47" align="alignright" width="225" caption="20 wks side"]20 wks side[/caption]

At this point, I am definitely feeling the baby moving around/kicking/hiccuping several times a day...and night.  I told Jared I thought the baby wasn't supposed to wake me up at night until after it was born.  I can sleep through a great many things, but it is difficult to sleep when I am laying still and it feels like there is a hamster running on a wheel inside of me!  I am definitely not annoyed by the new sensations, though.  I admit, when I am laying there awake, I want to nudge him awake and say, "If your baby and I are not sleeping right now, then neither are you!"  I let him sleep though.  After the baby is born, I will just tell him he owes me a few months of getting up with the baby at night :)

[caption id="attachment_48" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="20 wks other side"]20 wks other side[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_49" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Jared and Holly"]Jared and Holly[/caption]


  1. Holly, you look so cute! Although you're 20 weeks, you're still so tiny...what a sweet little basketball :-) It still feels so...hmm...weird I guess to see you pregnant. Although you're married to Jared (who is my age), I still think of you as "Lori's little sister" that used to put underwear on the doorknob to annoy us into playing. It's crazy how we've all "grown up". You're going to be a wonderful mom!

  2. How exciting this is!! I can't wait to find out what you're having and see pictures!! You're going to be great. I just know it.

  3. Holly,
    You look great! It's hard to believe that you are already halfway growing that baby. If you think those "little" kicks, etc. keep you awake now, just wait till it gets bigger! You'll think you're a bass drum sometimes. Most have some of your energy. Jared would move but he was kinda slow and we would watch my belly change as he moved around. We loved to watch and I would try to not laugh so he wouldn't stop! He did sleep at night and didn't keep me awake until after he was here! So I don't think you can blame it on him. Ha!
    Love ya'll. Take care!

  4. Yeah for the halfway point! I can't wait until you come stay with us. It will be oh so much fun!

  5. Wow, Holly you look amazing! Seriously! Absolutely beautiful! I can't believe you're at 20 weeks already! Are you finding out the sex of the baby or keeping it as a surprise?

  6. Holly, I love your little belly. Miss you both... Let me know if you will be in Nashville anytime. We all know I didnt have a small belly like that. Haha
    Love ya

  7. Holly!! You look fabulous! How exciting to see everything progressing so well. I love the pics of the baby too. It almost makes me want another one....Almost. I feel those tugs on my heartstrings occasionally!. :) I'm so excited for you guys and look forward to many more updates. Much, much love.
