Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Baby's first pics

So we had an ultrasound last week and can now share with you our baby's first pics.

Here is the baby's profile picture.  Isn't it cute?  It actually looks human!

Here is a profile shot that is a bit further away.

The baby's mouth is open in this picture.  If you can't tell the face is in the middle of the picture and the dark circle is its open mouth.  It kept opening it's mouth like it was yawning and telling us to stop bothering it.  Holly said that baby was singing like daddy.  I think it was probably talking like mommy.

There are more pics that show vital organs, the spine and such but these are the best.  We know that some of you are dying to know the sex of the baby and we will tell you, in a couple of weeks.  We want to notify the grandparents and close family first.  Holly's parents will be with us next weekend and we will tell them then in person along with my parents on the glorious invention of ichat.  So hold on to your horses.  Below is a fun exercise in seeing if you can predict what we are having.  Enjoy!

[polldaddy poll=1054362]


  1. I only voted boy because the rest of us had boys. I'm on the edge of my seat.

  2. Well, he/she is cute. Let me know when you want name suggestions. So far I like Rhett or Clementine (both honoring your Southern heritage).

  3. I voted girl...leave it to Holly to break the mold :-) I can't wait! Have fun telling the fam!

  4. I voted boy! The ultrasound pictures turned out great!! So exciting, guys! I like your comment about it looking human- that made me laugh. That's the kind of stuff that most people think, but don't say out loud- thanks for saying what I was thinking! ha ha ha

  5. I stopped back to see if you'd announced it yet... don't keep us hanging! :)

  6. I think she looks like Holly!!!!!
